Roof Tek Roofing Pty Limited

Privacy Policy


From 12 March 2014, the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s) replaced the National Privacy Principles and Information Privacy Principles and were inserted into the Privacy Act 1988 (“the Act”) at schedule 1. These principles apply to private sector organisations who deal with information relating to individuals. This legislation is designed to protect personal information about individuals and sets in place a framework and guidelines about how to deal with this information. APP 1.3 requires an APP entity to have a clearly expressed and up-to-date APP privacy policy describing how it manages personal information. Further in February 2018, the Notifiable Data Breaches (“NDB”) Scheme was introduced under Part IIIC of the Act. The NDB establishes requirements and compliance mechanisms for entities in responding to data breaches.

As at 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) was introduced providing increased transparency for data protection for all businesses transferring data to the Europe Union. While the GDPR and the APP share some similarities, Roof Tek Roofing Pty Limited is providing robust privacy policies and procedures for its staff and clients. This includes ensuring that it conforms to all required APP’s including the provision of a clearly expressed and readily available Privacy Policy. This is completed by the provision of this Privacy Policy Manual.

An APP privacy policy is a key tool for meeting APP 1’s requirements.

To assist with this compliance, Roof Tek Roofing Pty Limited ensures that all of its staff members adhere to these policies and procedures. Any breaches of these policies and procedures must be reported to the relevant staff member’s manager or supervisor immediately so that any appropriate measures can be taken to mitigate any issues surrounding an identified breach.

Every staff member of Roof Tek Roofing Pty Limited who handles personal information is required to have an understanding of the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s), the Act and the GDPR, where necessary. Where a more detailed knowledge of Roof Tek Roofing Pty Limited’s rights and responsibilities is required, the Privacy Officer will be able to provide assistance.

All staff are encouraged to discuss privacy issues with the nominated Privacy Officer


Formal review of this privacy policy shall be undertaken on a 6 monthly basis with the details of this review recorded by the Privacy Officer.

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